Queen's Blade: Rebellion Specials (Dub)
Status: Completed
Released: 2012
Type: Special
Alternative Name:
クイーンズブレイド リベリオン 限界突破で見えちゃうの, Queen's Blade Rebellion: Genkai Toppa de Miechau no!?, Queen's Blade Rebellion: What Will It Look Like When It Smashes Through Restrictions!?
クイーンズブレイド リベリオン 限界突破で見えちゃうの, Queen's Blade Rebellion: Genkai Toppa de Miechau no!?, Queen's Blade Rebellion: What Will It Look Like When It Smashes Through Restrictions!?
Specials included in the Blu-ray/DVD volumes. Each special will be about a different character.